Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Levle 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9

Getting To Level 1

From the start, go in the door on the screen, and get the wooden sword. Then go out of the cave, and go right, up four times then left and into the door.

Level 1

When you enter, go right. Get a key from killing one of the stalfos (you can see one with some yellow on it). Go left 2 times and kill the Keeses for another key. Go right, then up Kill the stalfos, then go up. Kill those sketelon dudes once more for another key. Go right, grab the compass (Kill the bats if you want you). Go left 2 times, Kill the bats. Go north, and kill the gels. Go right, get the map (kill the gels if you want to), then go right. Kill all 3 goriyas to get the wooden boomerang. Go left and then north. Kill more stalfos to get another key. Go north and kill the goriyas. Go left. Goto the left side of the diamond stones and push on the leftmost stone to get access to the stairs and grab the bow. Return to where you got the boomerang (right, down, down, right) and then go right. Grab the key and head north (if you get caught by the hands, you will be sent back to the beginning).

Aquamentus can be killed by hitting its horn with the sword, bombs or arrows. (if you have bought them yet)

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Getting To Level 2

Collect sixty rupees then go to a shop (easiest one is up then right  from the start) and buy the blue candle. Then from the start, go right four screens, up two, right two, up one, left one, up one and in the door.

Level 2

When you enter, go right. Kill the snakes for a key. Go up and kill more snakes, then go right and get rid of the gels for the compass. Go left and keep going left until you cannot go anymore. Destory all the foes will get you a key. Go right 2 screens and then go up. Kill the goriyas and go right. Kill the gels, get the map, and bomb the north wall. Go up and kill the goriyas, while avoiding all the fire shots from the statue (now you see why you should get the Large Shield first) and obtain the metal boomerang. Depart quickly to the left. Get the key after defeating the snakes here. Go up, and beat the moldorms for another key. Go right and use boomerand on the keese. Go left then up, killing the snakes. If you go right, destroy the gel and then go up, you will find information on how to kill the Dodongo, then go down and left. Go up and beat up more goriyas and go north.

Here you face two Dodongo. To destory them, they must each swallow 2 bombs. The best way to do this is to place the bombs in front of them.

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Getting To Level 3

From Start, go up one screen, left four, down one and right one.


Level 3

Enter and go left, stab the Zols and get a key. Go up and kill more Zols and get another key. Go north and attack the Darknuts (remember you can only hit them from the back or the sides, they block frontal assults). Go left and kill the kesse for a compass. Go left and dispatch the darknuts, then go down. In this room you have 2 options (either of which you must get to the stairs), you can fight out the darknuts (using sword and bombs) or be brave and just run to the stairs. There you will get the raft. Upon reamerging, go up 2 screens. Get the keys from amidst the puffs. Go right. Slay the Zols for a key, and go up. Slay more zols, the move the stone and go left. This screen you will find out info on the white sword (useless if you got it already). Go left and kill the foes for another key. Retrace to where you got the previous key (right then down 2 screens) and go right. Nullify the zols for the map. Go down and stab the darknuts. Go right, and survive the onslaught. Survive this and go up.

To kill the Mandandlas. Use bombs and sword to destory all 4 heads.

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Getting To Level 4

From Start, go up one screen, left two and up one. Walk onto the dock and push up. If you have the Raft, you will cross the lake and arrive at the entrance to Level Four.


Level 4

Enter and go left. Kill the keese for a key. Go right then up. Kill the vire, then candle in hand, go right. Light the room, kill the vire and get a compass. Go left then up, getting a key after killing for keeses, then go left, using candle, and kill more vire. Next room you will find Zols and a key for getting them all. Go up then right. Kill the vire and go right to face Likes Likes (Avoid at all costs, getting eaten by these loses your Large Shield). Kill them all and then push stone and take stairs to get ladder. Leave and go left 2 screens then go up. Kill more vire then go up and destroy the Mandandlas like you did in the last dungeon. Go up and with candle in "B", go right. Kill the keese to get a key. Use candle in room to the right to help avoid the spikes. Still with candle, go down. Fight the vire and then move the stone and enter.

This dragon is tough, just keep stabbing it, while avoiding the other heads and fireballs.

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Getting To Level 5

From Start, go right one screen, up five, left one, up one and right four. This will take you to the Lost Hills. Keep going up until the screen stops repeating (about four or five times), and you will be at the entrance to Level Five.


Level 5

Enter and go right. Use the bow and arrow down the Pols Voices and get a key. Go left then up, candle lit, and kill those mummies called Gibdo for a key. Go right for the clue (Using the whistle to battle Digdoggers), go left and bomb left wall. Go left and unwrap the Gibdo. Bomb the left wall and enter. Use bombs and sword to fight the darknuts. Shove the stone and enter the stairs. Let's call the area POINT 1. You will not find any foes or goodies in this new chambre (Let's Call this POINT 2). This next part is VERY IMPORTANT. Go left, fighting off the darknuts, there are many and all are tough. Clear them all, move the stone and take the stairs to get the whistle. Leave, and go right, then go down, kill the keese for a key then bomb the right wall and enter, Increase your bomb capacity to 12. Go back to POINT 2, by going left and up. Enter staircase to go back to POINT 1. Pass through the bombed walls (right, right) until you are on the screen just above the entrance. Go up and use bombs against the foes there. Go left. Kill zols for a key, go right 2 screens, using candle in 2nd screen to help kill zols. Go up. Slay the mummies, get the key, go left and use candle to find the path to the map. Go right then up and light candle. Kill the darknuts for the compass and continue going up (still with candle in hand). Defeat foes for a key, go left and defeat the gibdos for another key. Go left and use the bow and arrows here. Go left one more time for Digdogger.

Use the whistle to break the big Digdogger into several little ones and slash the little ones with your sword.

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Getting To Level 6

From Start, go right one screen, up five, left one, up one, left three and down one. Touch the top-right Armos Statue to reveal the Power Bracelet. Then From Start, go right two screens, and then push the left stone using the strength of the Power Bracelet. Enter the Hidden Staircase. When the man says, "Take any road you want," enter the middle stairway. Next, go down one screen, left one and up one to reach the entrance to Level Six.


Level 6

Enter and go right, candle lit. This will be your first meeting with the Wizzarobes (which can only be killed by sword or wand). Claim the key when you get rid of them all. Go left 2 screens then up one. Kill he zols for the compass. Go north and kill the keese. The next up screen, race fast to avoid the spikes. The next room has oodles of Likes Likes, Wizzrobes, and those spirits bubbles. When all the Likes Likes and wizzarobes are gone, move the left stone and go up. More likes likes here. Go up, kill the gleeok and go right when accomplish. Get the map and head down, fighting the wizzrobes. Do them all and move the left stone, take stairs to get magic wand. Go back down through the map room to the screen below, use the candle and get the key while either killing or avoiding the Wizzrobes (at this point, you don't have to fight, if you don't want to). Go down using the candle, and have sword and boomerang ready for combat. Go right, and use the wand to destroy the likes likes and wizzrobes. Move the stone and take the stairs. Upon emerging, go down and use the candle and kill the foes to get the key. Go left. Go up, but stop right at entrance as you have found Gohma.

To destroy it, wait until it opens it's eyelid and pummel it with arrows in it's eyelid

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Getting To Level 7

From Start, go up one screen, left three, then up three and push the Armos Statues until you locate a set of stairs. Take the stairs and purchase it from the merchant for 60 rupees. Then from Start, go up one screen, left four, up one, left one, up one, and blow the Whistle. To bypass the "Grumble, Grumble" monster, you must have the Monster Bait in your possession when you're standing in front of him.


Level 7

Upon entering, go north and bomb the north wall after destroying the foes in the room. Go north (call this room POINT 1), then go left, then up. Use the rupees to increase bomb capacity to 16. Go down 3 screens (on the 2nd down screen avoid spikes) and destroy the snakes for a key. Go back to POINT 1 (2 Up then right) then go up, and use the boomerang to destroy the bats. Go up one more and destory digdogger (use whistle then sword). Bomb the right wall and go right, using the magic wand to get rid of the Moldorm. Grab the key then go left 2 screens. Then go up with candle, and then defeat foes for map. Go right and bomb the right wall. After being the foes here, move the stone and decend down the stairs for the red candle. Upon reammerging, bomb the right wall. Go right and move the center stone and climb the stairs. Bomb the right wall and go right.

Defeat the dragon, as you did in level 1

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Getting To Level 8

From Start, go right one screen, up two and right three. Of the two paths on the right side of the screen, take the upper one then go right two screens and down one. You will see a tree blocking a pathway. Use the Candle on this tree to find Level Eight


Level 8

Enter and go right, using a candle. Get the key after clearing the nasties in the room. Go left 2 screens, killing the Manhandlas in the 2nd screen, and go left again. After destroying the darknuts and gibdos, move the left stone and get the magic book. After emerging from the stairs, go right 2 screens and go up, beating up the manhandlas (use the wand for faster kill). Bomb the top wall and go up. Kill the foes in that screen for a key and go left, candle lit. Destroy these foes for a key and go left and destroy the darknuts for a 3rd key. Go right 2 screens (to where you got the first of the 3 keys), and go up 2 screens, battling foes. Bomb the top wall of the 2nd screen and go up. Beat the manhandlas for a map. Go up and kill the Gohma as you did in Dungeon 7. Go right and slay the darknuts and Pols so you can move the stone and get the all-purpose key. Go back to the manhandlas screen (left then down 2 screens). Go right and use the stairs. Go left, up and blast the right wall and go right.

Defeat the dragon as you did in level 4

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Getting To Level 9

From Start, go right one screen, up five, left one, up one, cross the river, up one, and left two. Bomb the bottom of the left rock to find the entrance.

Level 9

Enter and go up 2 screens and left 1 screen. Use wand on Moldorm then move the left stone and enter staircase. Get rid of the likes likes and go right 2 screens (call this screen POINT 1). Kill the patras here. Go down and fight the Zols, and then go down again, fighting Zols and keeses. Bomb the right wall and go right, then bomb the top wall and go up. Get the map and then bomb the top wall and enter. Kill the wizzarobes then move the left stone and get the red ring. Go back to POINT 1 (down 2 screen, left, up 2 screens) and go up, move to the left. Attack the wizzarobes then move the left stone and take the staircase. Upon emerging, fight your foes then go left 2 screens (call this screen POINT 2). Move the left stone and take the stairs. Upon clearing the stairs, bomb the top wall and go up. Get rid of all the foes here so you can move the center stone and enter the stairs for the silver arrows. Go back to POINT 2. Go up 3 screens and bomb the left wall and go left. Move the stone to access the staircase, but also avoiding the spikes. In the new room, bomb the left wall and go left. Use the wand on the likes likes, and then moving the left stone and enter the stairs. Move the left stone and enter the staircase. Upon emerging, battle the patra one more time. Destroying it, go up to fight ganon.

To destory him, stab him (he is invisable, but you will notice the pattern) then pummel him with silver arrows.

After destorying him, go up, slash the fire blocking Princess Zelda and there you have it, you have completed Zelda 1

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