Majora's MaskWalkthrough
In this walkthrough, i have put numbers in the temples, this is the number of a correspondng fairy on the fairys page. I thought that would be easier then explaining what room each one is in.
Go to the fairies page (opens up in a new window)
Woodfall Snowhead Gerudo Fortress Zora Cape
Ikana Castle Stone Tower The Moon
Skull Kid through the hole, and then jump over the logs and into the tree.
Once you have the Deku mask on, go through the door. Use the Deku flower to
fly over to the door, and then go through. Use the Deku flowers to fly around
the room and through the log entrance. Go up the ramp and towards the exit.
After talking to the mask salesman leave the clock.
out of the clock, go to the laundry pool, (to the right, up the ramp) and
jump over the water and get the fairy. Now go to north clock town, and into
the big cave. After seeing the Great Fairy go back out of the cave and shoot
a bubble at the balloon. Talk to the kid with the red hat. Now, find the 5
kids. (2 are in north clock town, one is behind the slide, one is behind the
tree. 2 are in east clock town, both on a different roof. And the last one
is in east clock town, at the top part.) Once you have the pass code go to
the top part of east clock town and tell it to the kid, and go in. Jump over
the water and shoot the balloon. Go up the ladder and then up the stairs.
Talk to the old man, and use the telescope. Zoom in on the top of the clock
tower, go outside, and get the Moon’s Tear. Go to South Clock town and to
the Deku flower, talk to the Deku and give him the Moon’s Tear. On the 3rd
night at Midnight, use the Deku flower and go to the ledge on the clock tower,
and go in. Shoot a bubble at Skull Kid and knock down the Ocarina. Get the
Ocarina and learn the Song Of Time. Pull out the Ocarina and play the Song
Of Time. Go back into the Clock and talk to the Mask Salesman, get the Song
Of Healing, and then go out of the clock.
out the South gate and keep going straight ahead. After the clip, go ahead
again, around the tree. Keep going straight, until you get to the next screen
again and see a building above the water. Go in the water and swim left, when
you get to the wooden platform, get out and walk past the pot building, and
into opening. Talk to the monkey and follow him. Talk to the witch lying on
the ground, then go back to the other witch, (either in the pot house or in
the forest) and talk to her. Get the potion and take it back to the first
witch. Now go back to the boat tour building (first building in the swamp)
and talk to the witch in the window. Take a boat ride and get off at the Deku
Castle. Go in and talk to the Deku guards as Deku Link, then go into the door
on the right. Dodge the guards and make it to the end, and go down the hole.
Talk to the Magic Bean Salesman, get some beans, and also get a bottle of
water. Leave the castle, and hop over the Lilly pads, which are to the left.
Plant a bean in the soil and water it. Stand on the Bean pad and go up, use
the Deku Flowers to get into the monkeys cage. Take off the mask and talk
to the monkey, hit the pole with your sword until the monkey speaks. Put on
the Deku Mask and pull out the Deku Pipes. After learning the song, go to
the ledge that is on the way to the Bean pad. Fly up with the Deku Flower
and to the next screen. Use the Deku Flowers to get to the waterfall, and
up to the next screen. (Make sure you read the tablet along the way.) Go around
the ledges to the little circle with a Deku picture on it. As a Deku, play
the Sonata Of Awakening, Fly over, and in.
you come in1 use the Deku
flowers2 to fly to the door.
When you are in the next room3
jump to the door on the right, and go in. Jump to the Deku Flower, and
fly to the chest. Get the key, and then go back to the Deku Flower and fly
to the door. Kill the snappers, get the map and go back out, and out again,
jump around the big flower to the door.4
(Deku Link can stand on the small flowers) Go in the door and as Link push
the block, go right around the ledges, push the block, go to the torch5,
light a Deku Stick and light the torch near the door6,
7. Go in, Kill the Mosquitoes, get the compass, and go out. Light
a Deku Stick, go up the stairs and light the torch, relight the deku stick,
and jump over the ledges and burn the web. Go through, light the torches8,
and then go through the door. Use the Deku Flower to get to the door, go straight
ahead and step on the switch, go through the door, round the corners and through
the next door. Kill the Dinalfos, and get the bow, then go out and shoot the
eye9. Jump onto the flower
and fly to the high door, Kill the frog, then the frog on the snapper, then
go through the door. Get the boss key then go out the next two doors, fly
back to the ledge and go through the door on the right. Shoot an arrow through
the fire to the torch in the middle. Jump onto the spinning flower, and shoot
an arrow through the torch to the torch in the corner. Jump off to the door10,
11, and go in12.
Go up two ledges to the right using the Deku Flowers13,
14, shoot the crystal, then use the Deku Flower to get to the
Deku Flower in the middle, then use that one to get to ledge above. Use this
Deku Flower to get to the Boss door15,
Go through.
Kill Odolwa you have to hit him with anything you want, sword, bombs or arrows,
not as a Deku.
out the north gate, down the stairs, up the ramp, shoot the stalactite twice,
and go through. Walk forwards until you get to the snowballs blocking your
path, blow them up with a bomb, and continue to the next screen. Go to the
road that is behind the building. Walk along the bridges to the next screen.
Walk to the back of the screen, and talk to the owl, then jump on the invisible
platforms where his feathers are, and make your way to the cave. Go in the
cave, get the lens of truth, and then go back out. Use the lens to make your
way back, talk to the ghost using the lens of truth, and follow him. When
you are going up the wall, use the lens of truth to see the holds. Once at
the top, go in the cave and talk to the ghost again, then play the song of
healing to him. Get the mask. Put it on, and go behind the tombstone and move
it. Go to the screen where you saw the owl, and talk to the goron (on day
2 and 3 he is a snowball). Get him to open the door and go in. go to the top
and talk to the baby goron. Go back to Darmani’s grave and Fill up a bottle,
and then find and unfreeze the old goron. (Might want to find him first, he
moves) Learn the song. Go to the young goron, and play it to him. He will
teach you the whole Goron’s Lullaby.
go back to the screen with the building (armoury) and go down the screen near
the owl statue, jump over the jumps (make sure you have spikes), and onto
the next screen. Play the Goron’s Lullaby and go up the ledges, and into the
Snowhead temple.
you go in, push the block as Goron Link. Then go through the door to the right.
Roll across the bridge1, 2
Jump onto the ledge and go up.3
Turn left, get the map and go out. Jump back and go in the door.4
Go in the yellow door, pull the block out, go in and get the key5
go out the door. Shoot fire at ice on the red door. Go in the locked door6,
7 Blow up the cracked wall, go in and shoot arrows at the stalactites
(on the roof if you didn’t know) 8
and jump to the snowball. Punch it as the Goron. Get the key then go through
the door.9 Goron pound the
switch, jump to the switch near the door, pound that, Go to the yellow block
in the middle, (not the green one) and pound it. Go through the door. Roll
over the jump, and then roll around the side curve. Roll over the jump, and
go in the door. Kill the Wizrobe, and get the fire arrow. Go out, over the
jump10, around the curve,
over the other jump, and into the door. Shoot a fire arrow at the ice, and
go through the door, then through the next two. Go through the red door, melt
the ice on one of the green doors and go in.11
Light the three torches with fire arrows, and go in the door. Goron pound
the switch, then go out and back to the room with the jumps. Punch the blue
bits then fall to the bottom. Go up the stairs; go through the blue door,
and up the stairs. Shoot the eye with a fire arrow, when standing on the block.
Go through door and around the curve. Melt the ice and go in. punch the blue
bit, go around and punch the other blue bit. Go back around curve again,
12 go over ledge, through the snowballs and up
the stairs.13, 14, 15 Jump
over and fly to the door on the left. Go in and kill the Wizrobe, get the
boss key, go back to the top and into the boss door.
kill Goht, shoot a fire arrow to unfreeze it. Then, roll around as the goron
and hit it with your spikes.
to the Gerudo’s Fortress
completing Snowhead, while it’s spring, go to the screen outside the Goron
shrine, and talk to the powder keg Goron. Blow up the rock in front of the
races, and get the “Powder keg license”. Now, on the first day buy a powder
keg (cheapest from the bomb shop goron. Go to milk road, and blow up the boulder
that blocks the path. Go into the ranch, and talk to Romani (the little girl),
once you have Epona’s song, take Epona and jump over the wall blocking the
beach. Find the Zora in the water (should be in line with the left side of
the lab from the beach) and push it towards the shore. After it gets out,
play the song of healing to it. Put on the Zora’s mask, and swim to the right.
Along the bottom, near the second beach there are some boards. Head butt the
second one from the left and go in.
out for guards, jump in the water and swim to the ledge on the left. Hit the
switch with a Goron pound, and then swim into the gate. Hit the wooden thing,
and then push the block. Go forwards, pull the block, and go back, head butt
the wooden thing, go through and up the steam. Go straight, dodging the mines
and the water jets. Go up, and through the door. Shoot boomerang fins at the
crystal, and go through the door. Go straight, and up the ladder. Stand on
the switch, go to the vent and boomerang the crystal, get off when in the
next room, and climb the ladder. Boomerang the mines, then the crystal, and
the go through the door. Go up the stairs and through the door. Go up the
ladder (make sure guards don’t see you. You can hit them with arrows), then
go over the bridge and through the door. Go forwards, and then shoot the wasp
nest with an arrow. Then go out, jump down, go in the door and get the hookshot.
Hookshot to the top of the tank, put on the Zora mask, and put the egg in
a bottle. Go out the door. Go down, and to the right. Go around the ledge,
and hookshot to the pole, and then go in the close door. Go past the guard
and into the door. Kill the guard, go through the door, hookshot up, and get
the egg. (Hopefully you have at least 4 bottles) go out. Go to the other side
of the fortress, and up two hookshot poles, and into the door. Shoot the guard
with an arrow and go through the door. Kill the guard and go through the door.
Hookshot to the tank, and get the egg. Go through the door, and back to the
two hookshot poles, go up them and then up the third one and go in the door.
Go through the next door and kill the guard. Go to the next room, hookshot
up, get the egg then leave the fortress.
to the lab, and put the eggs into the tank. Then swim out between the two
rocks to the right from the beach. (Pinnacle Rock) sink down to the bottom,
and follow the directions of the signs, to the next screen. Kill the eels
in the holes and get the last three eggs. Take them back to the lab and put
them in the tank. Go to the front of the tank and pull out the guitar. Once
you have learned the song, go to Zora Hall. (The place with the fish tail
sticking out of the water.) Go down the ramp, and to the opening on the left.
Play the song to Lulu, and then hookshot to the tree on the back of the turtle.
you come in1 go through the
door.2, 3 go to the back
right of the room, and push the yellow switch. Go up the right platform and
around, and in the door.4 Jump
in the water5 and go in the
hole with both pipes going in it. Go to the top, and onto the ledge, hookshot
to the chest, and get the map.6
Go through the hole at the bottom7
and swim to the end. Go through the door8,
jump over the Lilly pads, to the chest, and get the compass. Swim to the bottom
of the water, get the key then go out through the rapids. Go through the red
door on the bottom, climb up the pipe to the door and go in. go through the
next door. Kill the eyeball thing and get the ice arrow. Go out two doors,
freeze the Octorock, jump on it, and push the switch. Go back to the room
with the compass and use ice arrows in the water until you get to the ledge.
Go through the door, kill the frog, and then get the boss key. Go to the water
wheel room, freeze the water flow, and go up the ladder and in the door. Hookshot
to the barrel9, ice arrow
the water to get to the switch and then push it. Go out, and through the middle
underwater hole and go to the ledge where the map was. Ice arrow your way
to the door, and go through. Freeze the blob and push it to the switch in
the middle, get up and push the switch. Go to the main room, and into the
new middle hole. Stand on the moving ledge, and when it is up, jump to the
second one10, and then to the next ledge.
Freeze the water11, jump
to the door, and go in12.
Stand on the far end of the second platform, shoot a fire arrow at the ice
on the other end. Jump to the next one, and do the same thing. Push the switch13.
Go back to the first ledge, unfreeze it and go through the door. Go through
the hole, go to the bottom hole14,
walk up the pipe15. Push
the switch, go across and into the door, and then fall down the hole.
kill Gyorg, hit it with your fins, or arrows, and then when it is stunned
electrocute it.
to the graveyard (left road before Ikana canyon) and play the song of awakening
to the skeleton, chase after him, (easiest way is to be goron, roll, and when
little skeletons come out goron pound) and get the captains hat. Go back to
the first half of the graveyard on the first night, put on the mask and talk
to the skeletons, tell them to open the grave and go in. jump over the ledge
and go to the next room. Light the torches, and kill the bats, then go in
the next door. Kill the iron knuckle, and get the song of storms. Go back
to the entrance to the canyon; wear the garo’s mask in front of the ghost
guy (get the mask by racing the Gormans) and hookshot to the tree. On the
next screen, freeze the Octorocks, jump over them, and hookshot to the trees
until you get to the top. Go past the house, up the ramp and into the cave.
Play the song of storms to the composer brother, and then go outside. When
the girl is outside, and can’t see you, go into the house, and down the stairs.
Play the song of healing to the “Gibdo” and get the Gibdo’s mask. Now before
you go into the well, you at least need to buy 5 magic beans, and a blue potion.
But it is a lot easier to buy some milk as well, and then go down the well.
Put on the gibdo’s mask, and talk to the Gibdo straight ahead. Give it the
blue potion, and go through the door. Go to the left, and get some water,
go out and straight, give the Gibdo the water and go through the door. Burn
the webs; get some bugs and some bombs. Go back, get a fish, and go back again.
Give the beans to the Gibdo, go through, and go forwards, then left and give
the fish to the Gibdo. Go through, and left to get ten nuts from the deku
plants. Go back, give the nuts to the Gibdo, and go through. Give the Gibdo
on the left ten bombs, go through the door, kill the big Poe, and put it in
a bottle. Go to the nut room, give the Gibdo straight ahead the Poe, go through,
and give the last Gibdo the milk. Light the torches, and get the shield. Shine
the sun at the block, and at the sun, go up the ladder, through the tunnel,
and up the next ladder.
starting the Ikana castle, it might be easier to get a powder keg, instead
of going through the whole thing twice. You can easily get back in using the
mirror shield. And going through the hole in the castle wall.
in the main door, shoot a fire arrow at the left eye, and go through the door.
Put on the Deku mask, hit the switch, and get into the flower closest to the
raised ledge. When the roof is down, jump out, knock the roof back up, get
back in the flower, and fly up to the ledge. Press the switch, and go through
the door. Fly to the switch on the left, use the lens of truth to jump around
to the door and go through. Jump onto the ledge, and walk around. Jump down
to the ledge in the middle, fly to the switch, and then go down through the
main door. Fire arrow the right eye, and go through the door. Shine light
on the block and go through to the next room. Kill the Wizrobe, and then go
through and up. Use the powder keg on the cracked roof/floor. Go back to the
main room, and shine light on the block and go through.
the knights by first using a fire arrow on the curtains, then hit the knights
until they fall down, then shine light on them with the mirror shield. The
king is the same, except he takes a bit longer.
you have the Elegy of Emptiness, leave the castle, and go into the stone tower.
Jump across the blocks, play the Elegy as link on a switch, hookshot up to
the next ledge, put on a mask (not deku) play the Elegy, do this as you ascend,
repeating it for each set of blocks. The only hard bit is making sure that
with the last three you do the left switch last. Then go over and into the
Stone Tower Temple.
you are in1 go around to
the left door, and in. Blow up the wall, put a box one switch, and use the
Elegy of Emptiness on the other three (make sure the goron is on the large
one), then go through the door. Blow up the square on the ground without the
grass, and then go down the stairs2.
Shine light on the block, use Goron Link to walk over the lava, go through
and get the map. Kill the four live Amos’s and get the key. Go up the stairs
and through the locked door. Put on the Zora’s mask and dive in. Jump out
on the other side, and get the key from the chest. (Hard, but possible) go
to the bottom and through the tunnel3.1
go to the top, and on the ledge4.1.
Shine light into the mirror for a second or two, then move forwards to the
mirror and shine light onto the block, and get the compass. Go through the
locked door, goron punch the pillars5,
6, shine light to the left mirror, then to the next mirror, then
to the block, then go in the door7, 8.
Put on the Deku mask, fly around the jets, and go through the door. Kill the
Garo, and get the light arrow, then go through the door, to the next and kill
the eye thing.9 go through
the door10.1 and leave the
temple. Play the Elegy of Emptiness on the right switch, then stand on a block
and shoot a light arrow into the red crystal, then go back in10.2.
Go right, and through the door, shoot a light arrow at the block4.2,
11.1 fly to the middle, go through the hole, press the switch
and get the key. Fly to the top and go in the door. Shoot a light arrow at
the crystal, be a Goron, and walk over the lava. Shoot the crystal again,
and go through the door. In the next room you need to keep turning the room
upside down, until the box is in the hole. Go through the door; kill the Wizrobe,
hookshot to the chest12,
and through door. Fly over the gap, and then into the hole. Play the Elegy
of Emptiness on the switch, and then get the key. Go back, and through the
door. Shoot an arrow at a mine, to blow it up, then fly into the hole in the
middle, and then to the end, and go in the door. Go through, and into the
next door. Kill Gomess, get the boss key and go back. Fly to the middle, then
to the end, and go to the door on the left. Jump over, and press the switch13.1,
then hookshot to the chest and go through the door. Kill the eye thing, and
get the giant’s mask. Shoot the crystal14.1,
hookshot to the chest, then to the pad on the ceiling, and then go through
the door and down the hole.11.2, 13.2,
kill Twinmould, put on the giant’s mask and slash at its tail. When you are
running low on magic, slash at a pillar and magic comes out of some, but you
need to be small to get it.
To kill Majoras mask shoot it with arrows, and slash if it comes down, and shoot the other masks as well
To kill Majoras Incarnation, just slash it with your sword.
To kill Majoras Wrath
The Legend Of Zelda
The Adventure Of Link
A Link To The Past
Links Awakening
Oracle Of Ages (JAP)
Oracle Of Seasons (JAP)
The Legend Of Zelda
The Adventure Of Link
A Link To The Past
Links Awakening
Ocarina Of Time
Skultulla Locations
Majora's Mask
Oracle Of Ages
Oracle Of Seasons